Reporter Services and Comparative Analysis
Want to compare your performance with peers? Find the insights you need quickly and easily with CDP's custom comparative analysis report.
About Peer Assessment
Peer assessment is a critical component of any corporate environmental strategy. CDP's data provides reliable and comparable information that can help you:
Identify leading practice in your sector
Compare your performance against your peers
Build a business case for action
The comparative analysis report gives a clear snapshot of your environmental performance to identify key areas of improvement and support the internal business case for improved environmental action. Compare your climate change, water security and forests performance to that of 10 peers, to answer the following questions:
Climate Change
What are the financial implications of climate-related risks in my sector?
How do I perform on Scope 3 mapping with respect to peers?
Am I underperforming compared to my peers on targets and emission intensity?
Financial Services
How are my peers taking action to reduce their portfolio impact on the climate?
What types of portfolio targets are my peers setting?
Are other financial institutions engaging with their clients and/or investees on reducing their climate impact?
What are the financial implications of forests-related risks in my sector?
To what degree are forests commodities traceable by my peers?
Am I underperforming in terms of engagement with smallholders and suppliers?
Water Security
To what degree are my competitors monitoring relevant water aspects?
Are companies in my sector implementing incentives for the management of water issues?
What types of water targets are being set by my peers?