11 Oct 2023
Global1 min read

CDP's response to the launch of the UK Transition Plan Taskforce's Disclosure Framework

CDP's response to the launch of the UK Transition Plan Taskforce's Disclosure framework

Credible transition plans are an essential tool to ensure the global economy transitions in line with a 1.5°C pathway. The launch of the disclosure framework is a vital step towards ensuring the private sector has the tools it needs to develop credible transition plans.

In 2022 only 28% of UK companies disclosing through CDP said they had a transition plan; this guidance is essential in increasing that number.

CDP is proud to have been one of the partners that developed the framework, and proud to act as an accountability mechanism as organizations can continue to disclose plans through CDP.

To find out more about how CDP can support your transition plan disclosure view here.

Nicolette Bartlett, Chief impact officer, CDP

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