16 Mar 2023
Global2 min read

CDP announces new API pilot with software Accredited Solutions Providers

CDP is working with a selection of our software Accredited Solutions Providers (ASPs) to pilot a new Disclosure API (Application Programming Interface) for the 2023 disclosure cycle.

I’m pleased to announce that CDP is working with a selection of our software Accredited Solutions Providers (ASPs) to pilot a new Disclosure API (Application Programming Interface) for the 2023 disclosure cycle.

CDP’s software ASPs support organizations with collecting and organizing their environmental data and reporting it to CDP. The Disclosure API will allow participating ASPs – and the disclosing organizations they work with – to transfer data automatically from the provider’s own platform into CDP’s online response system, providing an improved and streamlined disclosure experience, with reduced need for manual data entry.

During this inaugural year, we have focused the Disclosure API pilot on the corporate climate change questionnaire. From 2024 onwards we hope to be able to work with providers to make it available to responding cities, states and regions and look forward to expanding its reach and impact.

The Disclosure API meets industry standards and participating partners are currently undertaking final testing in readiness for making it available to their customers who respond through CDP following the opening of CDP’s online response system.

We are grateful for UL Solutions’ dedication to working with us on this important development. As well as partnering with us to build the Disclosure API, they will be one of the ASPs offering it to their customers this year.

Other software ASPs participating in the 2023 pilot are:

To find out more about CDP’s ASPs and how they can help you, visit our provider list. To learn more about the ASP program or the Disclosure API, please contact


Paul Robins - CDP Global Head of Programs

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