Climate Change
Improving corporate awareness through measurement and disclosure is essential to the effective management of carbon and climate change risk.

We believe that improving corporate awareness through measurement and disclosure is essential to the effective management of carbon and climate change risk. We request information on climate risks and low carbon opportunities from the world’s largest companies supported by more than 700 Capital Market Signatories representing over US$142 trillion in assets and 330+ major purchasers with over US$6.4 trillion in procurement spend.
The global context
combined market value of the world’s largest companies by market capitalization. This is 84% of the total global economy in 2023.
GHG emissions globally in 2023 from the main activity sectors. This represents a 28% increase from 2005, the year the Kyoto Protocol came into force.
projected growth in the size of world economy by 2070 through strong climate action
The risks
potential financial impact of climate-related risks reported by companies disclosing through CDP in 2023.
worth of assets will be at risk from climate change by 2030. Former US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson describes climate change as "the single biggest risk that exists to the economy today".
is the threshold for dangerous global warming. Beyond this we risk severely destabilizing social and economic structures across the world.
The opportunities
Companies can drive change faster than governments and innovate new ways of mitigating the impact of climate change.
Research shows that companies that are transparent about their carbon risks experience a positive impact on their valuation. Those that reduce their carbon intensity the most, outperform the market.
potential financial value of climate-related opportunities identified by companies disclosing to CDP in 2023.
How does CDP help?

CDP Corporate Environmental Action Tracker
A unique data tool tracking progression across the climate transition journey by sector, index and geography.
Reports on climate change
Accounting for Cross-Border Renewable Energy Trade
This working paper proposes a framework for three ‘levels’ or ‘venues’ of environmental accounting that are impacted by RE trade between countries, and more.
The Road to Net-Zero Starts with Your Core Business
Leading corporations can create positive environmental and financial impact by linking decarbonization to financial value
Position Paper on Carbon Credits
This paper sets out CDP's view on how "credible use" of credits should be measured
The State of Play: 2023 Climate Transition Plan Disclosure
Shining a spotlight on how far along organizations are on their journey.
Scope 3 Upstream Report: Big Challenges, Simple Remedies
A new report by CDP and Boston Consulting Group (BCG) illustrates Upstream Scope 3 supply chain emissions are 26x that of Scopes 1 and 2 combined
Charting the Change: Disclosure Data Dashboard 2024
The data that CDP surfaces from global industry is critical to driving the whole-of-economy approach to environmental action that the planet needs.