Global environmental crises are unfolding before our eyes: biodiversity and ecosystems continue to decline at an alarming rate and 2023 was officially the hottest year on record. The need for high-quality environmental data – the foundation of a net-zero, nature-positive future – has never been more important.
Following another record year of disclosure, CDP scored over 21,000 companies on their environmental disclosures.
More than 400 companies scored an A for their leadership in environmental transparency and performance on climate change, deforestation and water security.
By scoring companies from D- to A, CDP takes them on a journey starting from disclosure, to understanding what to measure and finally how to take tangible, measurable actions.
Even companies that achieve an A – although among the most transparent when it comes to disclosure and performance on climate change, deforestation or water security – are by no means at the end of their environmental journey.
CDP disclosure and the A List play a key role in keeping companies on a journey of continuous environmental improvement. We regularly raise the bar for what qualifies as environmental leadership in line with emerging science, feedback from stakeholders, and market needs for greater environmental transparency. A List companies are those keeping up with these evolving requirements.
Disclosure is an essential first step, not the destination. Whether a company is at the beginning of its journey, working hard to improve its score year-on-year, or leading the way in environmental transparency, comprehensive disclosure serves as a baseline for transition plans and – crucially – enables companies to follow through on their ambitions.
Learn more about CDP scoring in our overview, or read our detailed scoring methodologies below.
CDP disclosure and scores play a key role in keeping companies on a journey of continuous environmental improvement. In 2023, a record-breaking 23,000+ companies representing at least two thirds of global market capitalization disclosed through CDP – 24% more than last year, and over 140% more than disclosures in 2020.
CDP’s questionnaires are fully aligned with the recommendations of the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD), and ideally positioned to mainstream the widespread adoption of other emerging frameworks and standards.
The number of disclosing companies has grown each year since 2003.
More than 23,000 companies disclosed their climate, forests and water security impacts through CDP in 2023.
Out of over 21,000 companies scored, just under 400 made the A List.
Explore the benefits of disclosure, how to unlock the power of your supply chain, and how other companies are taking action in the environmental transition.
All public responses and scores can be viewed through our response search. You will need to register or sign in first before searching for a company. To view a company's full response, click the link to the response you are interested in via the search results table.
Our full scores data set is available via licensing agreement. If you are interested in purchasing a license, fill out the form below and we will get back to you. For press, contact our media team.
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