Durante más de una década, CDP ha trabajado con empresas para acelerar la toma de medidas para lograr un planeta más sostenible. Un mundo con oportunidades importantes para las empresas.
The CDP Portal and response window is open for disclosers. You can prepare to disclose by browsing our Guidance for Companies page where you'll find key information and supporting materials – including the CDP full corporate and SME questionnaires and guidance – and visiting our2024 disclosure hub. Once you’re ready, you can submit your questionnaire.
Not yet registered?Register to disclose or to be added to a registered organization with no active users.
Las empresas que miden su riesgo ambiental están más capacitadas para gestionarlo de forma estratégica. Y las que son transparentes y divulgan esta información brindan a los encargados de la toma de decisiones acceso a una fuente crítica de datos globales que contiene la evidencia y las perspectivas necesarias para impulsar la toma de medidas.
Why disclose?
The high market demand for environmental disclosure continues to grow.
financial institutions representing US$142+ trillion in assets are requesting 33,000+ companies to disclose to them through CDP in 2024
companies representing two thirds of global market capitalization disclosed through CDP in 2023
CDP Supply Chain members, major buyers with US$6.4 trillion in procurement spend requested thousands of their suppliers to disclose through CDP in 2023
Benefits of disclosure
Protect and improve your company’s reputation – build trust through transparency and respond to rising environmental concern among the public.
Boost your competitive advantage – gain a competitive edge when it comes to performance on the stock market, access to capital and winning tenders.
Track and benchmark progress – benchmark your environmental performance against your industry peers, with an internationally recognized sustainability score and feedback against your climate targets. Search and view past responses and scores, or learn more about CDP scores.
Uncover risks and opportunities – identify emerging environmental risks and opportunities that would otherwise be overlooked, to inform data-driven strategy.
companies agree that disclosure through CDP helps them learn more about their environmental impact and impact management.
2023 post-disclosure survey
26 times
The emissions from supply chains are on average 26 times greater than a corporation’s own operational emissions
of responding companies agreed that disclosing through CDP “helps my organization to be more transparent about its environmental impact"
2021 post-disclosure survey
Please note, from the 2024 discloser cycle onwards, only public disclosers will be eligible to receive and display the CDP discloser badge. Badges will be published after the 2024 disclosure window has closed, in October.
Browse case studies
See how disclosing through CDP has helped these companies.
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